Katy Shaw is Director of the UKRI/AHRC Creative Communities programme and Professor of writing and publishing. Her research interests include devolution and culture, diversity and inclusion in the creative industries (the subject of her 2022 TED talk) and cultural policy making. She is the author of the APPG Inquiry report ‘The Case for Culture’ that set out policy recommendations, many of which have since been adopted by UK government, on how to rebuild rebalance and recover cultural production post-covid. She sat as a commissioner on the LGA Culture Commission and the Gordon Brown Union Commission. Her policy consultancy focuses on the role of culture-led R&D, innovation and the role of HEIs and further education in cultural partnership working. As Professor and journalist she is the author of five monographs, four edited collections as well as journal articles and essays on contemporary British literature and is the author of the British Council ‘Write Now: Teaching 21st-century Literature Globally’ report. She regularly writes for the New Statesman. She can be found on Twitter @profkatyshaw