Dr Arun Verma is the leading figure in integrating intersectionality, inclusion and equity in higher education systems, policy and programmes both nationally and internationally. He is Head of Equality and Inclusion at the University of London and Fellow of the RSA. His area of expertise is rooted in the relationship between intersectionality, inclusion and equality in relation to student and staff retention and success. He has led the embedding of intersectionality, inclusion and anti-racist practice in higher education, government, and a variety of national and global programmes, policy development and practices. He has been granted a number of awards facilitating his research and impact including a Doctor of Laws honoris causa from the University of Dundee for his impact and leadership in the field of inclusion, intersectionality and antiracism. Dr Verma is an established and respected voice for change in the higher education sector and holds several senior board roles facilitating constructively disruptive conversations about equality, intersectionality, inclusion and impact. His academic leadership is well regarded, of which his edited collection ‘Anti-racism in higher education: An action guide for change’ is accelerating action for inclusion in higher education.